There are no affiliations/alliances/activities of the individuals involved in site content and its maintenance in any way to the industry or to the organization which could influence site content. The web editor or the convener does not have any affiliation with any vaccine manufacturer and pharmaceutical industry (including any financial investments, research support, lecture fees, employment as advisory board membership, etc). No honorarium is paid to the web editor directly or indirectly.

Apart from the individuals involved in the site maintenance, the committee has also developed a 'code of conduct' to be signed by every member, office-bearers, and advisors serving on the committee. All of them are required to declare their conflicts of interest before joining the committee. Any speaker/expert called for the COI meeting is also requested to declare/disclose their conflict of interest, if any.

Appendix 1 . Code of conduct for ACVIP (Word file, 17.1KB)
Appendix 2 . Self-declaration form for conflict of Interest (Word file, 24.3KB)